Plastic guttering in the greenhouse

  • Thread starter Peace perfect peace
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Peace perfect peace

Ive a greenhouse and inspite of very hot summers i wouldnt be without the greenhouse,
Its perfect for starting seed off when you just couldnt even think of doing such a thing during the colder spells and again when the summers coming to an end again this space covered glass house is perfect for over wintering plant /shrubs that would'nt make it through the winter months,

But a few little ideas ref the use of re-cycle goods wouldnt go a miss and here's one ive found a god send and so simple to maintain you would'nt believe it,

PLastic guttering,
Now both the guttering even if you buy it new with the brackets is well worth the buy,
What ive done is attach the guttering to the sides of the inside staging of the greenhouse, both ends of the guttering have removable end stops,
I fill the guttering with compost and sow the likes of pea's (garden peas') early on when the outside weather just would'nt take pea sowing (but the mice would take the peas when they're starving during this cold weather)
By sowing the peas in the guttering they can be watered with no problems and when the pea's start to grow and the outside weather is warmer and its planting time "your well ahead of the time chart" But the good thing is by unclicking the complete gutter off the brackets and removing the ends (again these just click off)
you can take the complete guttering to your prepered pea trench and by watering well the guttering you'll find the sown "now well rooted peas" will just slide down the guttering and into the trench you prepered ,
Not only will this idea save you valued growing time but by putting the guttering back together and in the greenhouse you'll find you've a good growing area for anymore seeds you want to sow,
This little device will last you for years and apart from giving it a good wash "thats all the maintaining you'll need to do.
May 23, 2020
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I've had a small backyard greenhouse for over 20 years and the best repurposing item I picked up along the way is a stack of cafeteria trays I purchased at an action as part of a "boxlot". They are perfect for putting potted plants on and they have the ability to water from the base. I bought them for next to nothing and did'nt quite know why..... I built racks in my greenhouse for these trays and have used them for many years, they are easy to clean and perfect. I'm now looking at installing a gutter along the one side of the greenhouse table... great idea!
May 23, 2020
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Hey Peace Perfect, i just noticed, both of my last 2 posts were in response to yours.... What part of the Netherlands are you in? My Dad (he has passed on) but was part of the liberation forces in WW2, He crossed the rhine in a place called rees on route to Arnhem. After the war ended he was stationed/billited with a family in northern Netherlands (I think a place called Groningen) We have been over to Netherlands twice and loved it. mostly stayed around Amsterdam and then up the rhine.

Peace perfect peace

Hey Peace Perfect, i just noticed, both of my last 2 posts were in response to yours.... What part of the Netherlands are you in? My Dad (he has passed on) but was part of the liberation forces in WW2, He crossed the rhine in a place called rees on route to Arnhem. After the war ended he was stationed/billited with a family in northern Netherlands (I think a place called Groningen) We have been over to Netherlands twice and loved it. mostly stayed around Amsterdam and then up the rhine.
Hi tomsud,
Im just back from my doggy walk and so im early at the P,C and it's a nice start to the day to recieve your mail,
Ref the Forces i started off in 2 para and spent most of my time housed in germany but hardly stayed there i served all over the place and then one day i got told off for walking through one of those automatic doors and within taking a few steps this voice screamed at me "If we're a gentleman you would have opened that door for me"??????
As i looked around that corridor i could see lots of soldiers "all looking at me"
and so i turned around to the direction of this voice and replied

"If you we're a lady i would have"
That was many years ago and cupids arrow was fired and hit bulls eye.
the changing of my life, The Army was a big learning part of my life and one im in one way glad i did.

Now back to gardening.
It just go's to show the little daft ideas that are the ones that in many cases end up serving the best,
I love the tray idea "great idea"

ive just had a Blackbird tapping on the outside window (feeding time)
Be good and have a nice day tomsud,
Sep 18, 2021
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United States
United States
Ive a greenhouse and inspite of very hot summers i wouldnt be without the greenhouse,
Its perfect for starting seed off when you just couldnt even think of doing such a thing during the colder spells and again when the summers coming to an end again this space covered glass house is perfect for over wintering plant /shrubs that would'nt make it through the winter months,

But a few little ideas ref the use of re-cycle goods wouldnt go a miss and here's one ive found a god send and so simple to maintain you would'nt believe it,

PLastic guttering,
Now both the guttering even if you buy it new with the brackets is well worth the buy,
What ive done is attach the guttering to the sides of the inside staging of the greenhouse, both ends of the guttering have removable end stops,
I fill the guttering with compost and sow the likes of pea's (garden peas') early on when the outside weather just would'nt take pea sowing (but the mice would take the peas when they're starving during this cold weather)
By sowing the peas in the guttering they can be watered with no problems and when the pea's start to grow and the outside weather is warmer and its planting time "your well ahead of the time chart" But the good thing is by unclicking the complete gutter off the brackets and removing the ends (again these just click off)
you can take the complete guttering to your prepered pea trench and by watering well the guttering you'll find the sown "now well rooted peas" will just slide down the guttering and into the trench you prepered ,
Not only will this idea save you valued growing time but by putting the guttering and roofing company Bloomington back together and in the greenhouse you'll find you've a good growing area for anymore seeds you want to sow,
This little device will last you for years and apart from giving it a good wash "thats all the maintaining you'll need to do.
That's a fantastic idea! Using plastic guttering as a planting bed inside your greenhouse is a clever way to maximize space and optimize your growing season. It allows you to start seeds earlier and have well-rooted plants ready for transplanting when the weather conditions outside are suitable. The guttering provides a convenient and contained area for sowing peas or other crops, and it's great that you can water them easily without any issues. The removable end stops and detachable guttering make it simple to transfer the well-rooted plants to their final growing location. Additionally, the guttering can be easily reassembled and used for sowing more seeds or growing other crops, making it a versatile and reusable solution. By utilizing recycled plastic guttering, you're also contributing to sustainable gardening practices. Thank you for sharing this innovative and practical idea for greenhouse gardening. It's a creative way to make the most of your greenhouse space and extend your growing season. Happy gardening!

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