Got a Text while driving?

Feb 2, 2014
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La Porte Texas
Hardiness Zone
United States
I just don't understand it. People seem to be surgically attached to telephones. Before cell phones how did humans cope without instant connection to someone somewhere? And today? In public no matter where you look if there are 3 or more people at least 1 out of three is on the phone doing something. Its hard to tell what, even when their lips are moving. They might be taking a picture of themselves for some reason that I can never fathom why or texting something important to someone that they can't wait to talk to or don't want to talk to. Or sending and e-mail when the previous 2 methods have failed. And while doing all of the above being totally ignorant of what is around them. It is like they are mesmorized or zombiefied. I have seen with my own eyes these idiots fall off of a curb at the grocery store, walk into someones open car door, walk into the front of a moving car and one time I saw a young person actually trip over her own feet, fall down and put a nice cut into her chin. When I got to her to see if she was OK she said, and I quote, "OMG my cell" which had unfortunately not been hurt. To some people cell phones are dangerous weapons to themselves and others. Every day in San Antonio, as shown in the video, there is a wreck of some kind involving cell phones, usually with serious injury or death, Texas has a concealed handgun law where you can legally carry a handgun and hundreds of thousands of people do, and yet one never hears about them killing someone or injuring themselves. Perhaps the same restrictions to carrying a gun should be applied to cell phones as well.. Another thing that really pisses me off is the either intentional or unintentional rudeness of cell phone users. I don't want to hear about some strangers sad love life or their bad day at work and yet I am forced to listen to it in restaurants or when waiting in line at the checkout counter or just about anyplace you can name. I don't have a cell phone, will never have a cell phone and what's more don't want a cell phone. If I want to talk to some one I will pick up my trusty old pushbutton land line and call them. If they aren't there I will leave a message. And If they don't want to answer I can really leave them a message which is much more satisfying than some feeble little half spelled text message
Aug 16, 2013
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Great Message Zigs

I know for sure that I wouldn't even contemplate being a passenger in a car where the driver was prepared to put my life at risk in this manner - its totally irresponsible and have to say that - although there are now strict laws in many Countries around the World regarding using a cell phone in any manner whilst driving - the number of people who ignore these laws and think that they can actually drive safely and concentrate on what they are doing - whilst taking photographs, playing games and sending text messages - never ceases to amaze me.

Especially as there is absolutely no reason why anyone should not switch their phone off - particularly when driving but in the company of others too - as isn't that the main reason why voice-mail exists - to take messages when our phones are switched off - as in reality - there really is nothing at all that could be so urgent that it can't wait a while before being responded to - unless of course - it was a life or death situation or someone was waiting for news as crucial as the arrival of an organ transplant - then I think it could possibly be excused :D

Apart from that I feel much like Chuck on this one and unfortunately there is no short way of saying - that I hate the overuse of these things - as nowadays you can't seem to escape them - as wherever you go - there is always one or more begging for attention and asking to be responded to - or someone shouting into one and having a loud inane conversation that you really don't wish to hear the details of - and what happened to phone etiquette - no one seems to think it extremely rude and insulting to spend time with someone and not be completely present in all respects.

Which is something I'm seeing all the time - a prime example of which - is when you see a group of people who have clearly arranged to meet up for an evening out and have even got dressed up for the occasion - who then spend the whole time they are with each other sat round a table glued to their phones - instead of communicating with each other as human beings o_O so what was the point of getting dressed up and meeting up in the first place - if they're not going to communicate with each other.

So unfortunately as we now seem to live in a society that seems incapable of human interaction - so much so - that there is now a medical term for mobile device addiction called " Nomophobia " - I doubt that much will change - in fact I think that thinks can only get worse - as I think technology is now slowly creating a future generation of introverts and disembodied talkers unable to live in the real world :(


Oct 12, 2012
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United States
I so agree with the above posts on people not using common sense when it comes to the use of cell phones and driving cars. You would think a person old enough to get a drivers license would not need to be told to not drive and read or sent a text on your cell phone. I have seen people walk in front of cars, stop their car in the middle of traffic while on the phone. What is it with these phones. I often wonder what are you doing on your phone that makes it so hard to put it down, that I am not doing on mine.

While working in a restaurant as a server I would go to the table to get the order, the person would be on the phone, would not look at me to let me know they knew I was there to take their order, would not stop talking on the phone and would yell at me when I walked away that they were ready to order and I was the one that was wrong, go figure.
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
La Porte Texas
Hardiness Zone
United States
Great Message Zigs

I know for sure that I wouldn't even contemplate being a passenger in a car where the driver was prepared to put my life at risk in this manner - its totally irresponsible and have to say that - although there are now strict laws in many Countries around the World regarding using a cell phone in any manner whilst driving - the number of people who ignore these laws and think that they can actually drive safely and concentrate on what they are doing - whilst taking photographs, playing games and sending text messages - never ceases to amaze me.

Especially as there is absolutely no reason why anyone should not switch their phone off - particularly when driving but in the company of others too - as isn't that the main reason why voice-mail exists - to take messages when our phones are switched off - as in reality - there really is nothing at all that could be so urgent that it can't wait a while before being responded to - unless of course - it was a life or death situation or someone was waiting for news as crucial as the arrival of an organ transplant - then I think it could possibly be excused :D

Apart from that I feel much like Chuck on this one and unfortunately there is no short way of saying - that I hate the overuse of these things - as nowadays you can't seem to escape them - as wherever you go - there is always one or more begging for attention and asking to be responded to - or someone shouting into one and having a loud inane conversation that you really don't wish to hear the details of - and what happened to phone etiquette - no one seems to think it extremely rude and insulting to spend time with someone and not be completely present in all respects.

Which is something I'm seeing all the time - a prime example of which - is when you see a group of people who have clearly arranged to meet up for an evening out and have even got dressed up for the occasion - who then spend the whole time they are with each other sat round a table glued to their phones - instead of communicating with each other as human beings o_O so what was the point of getting dressed up and meeting up in the first place - if they're not going to communicate with each other.

So unfortunately as we now seem to live in a society that seems incapable of human interaction - so much so - that there is now a medical term for mobile device addiction called " Nomophobia " - I doubt that much will change - in fact I think that thinks can only get worse - as I think technology is now slowly creating a future generation of introverts and disembodied talkers unable to live in the real world :(
With all the social media like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube et al it seems as if the entire modern society has decended into some kind of groupthink electronic dependency where common sense is either extinct or at least endangered. I don't know where you live but here if anyone shows the least bit of resourcefullness or independence or skepticism of the media and its tentacles, then you are typecast as some sort of nutcase. I don't know if it is politics, education (or the lack of) promoting this but it is changing (I think) the basis of what has been normal human behavior. Everything now is based upon instant gratification and the concept of US has changed to ME. I blame this squarely on the media and the Political Correctness crowd. Also the media and all that goes with it, the everchanging technologys and such are slowly changing morality. For instance, there is a very popular TV show here called Dancing With The Stars. When it first started about 15 years ago it was basically a good dance competition. It has evolved into nothing less than an acrabotic striptease show. The media is full of idiot clebrities being celebrated for acting like fools and this is somehow transferred into the brains of the electronic dependent as normal. What I am afraid of is that in the near future all of those above refrenced people who are now wadeing in the shallow end of the gene pool anyway will find themselves in over their heads
Apr 30, 2014
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Hardiness Zone
United States
When I am driving, my phone stays in my purse. There is nothing so urgent that it can't wait until I am safetly pulled over, or at my destination. I have seen people almost literally in another lane of traffic before they realize that they have crossed the line. What about my safety and the safety of my kids on the road people? I also stopped using FB and other forms of social media about a year ago, because it is kind of pointless to me. There are people who have to check their phones like every 5 minutes for updates and stuff and it drives me crazy.
Aug 16, 2013
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I totally agree with you Chuck and although I don't really know exactly how this overly self absorbed " me society " came about or how all this over dependency on electronic devices actually started or even who exactly to point the finger at and I'm totally baffled as to why - the World is now full of people suffering from " Nomophobia " when everyone has a voice-mail service.

I do know that - its something that seems to be happening Worldwide - in that - unless you are permanently attached to some kind of mobile device - that you even take to bed with you and actually sleep with too - just in case you might miss a call - you are considered to be some sort of weirdo if you don't do that o_O personally I think its the other way round.

Feb 2, 2014
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La Porte Texas
Hardiness Zone
United States
I totally agree with you Chuck and although I don't really know exactly how this overly self absorbed " me society " came about or how all this over dependency on electronic devices actually started or even who exactly to point the finger at and I'm totally baffled as to why - the World is now full of people suffering from " Nomophobia " when everyone has a voice-mail service.

I do know that - its something that seems to be happening Worldwide - in that - unless you are permanently attached to some kind of mobile device - that you even take to bed with you and actually sleep with too - just in case you might miss a call - you are considered to be some sort of weirdo if you don't do that o_O personally I think its the other way round.
Why? Well, if you lookup Narcissistic Personality Disorder I think you will find the answer as to why a new word " nomophobia" was invented. As to why narcissisim has infected so many minds I think it started about 40 years ago when the "I am entitled" mentality started. This would partially explain why people continue to break the law driving talking on cell phones and surfing the net with Ipods. Why they have to be in touch 24/7. They are entitled. They are self absorbed, nobody else matters, self aggrandizing and dangerous people.
Jan 3, 2013
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Miami, FL
Some stupid woman died listening to the song Happy by Pharrell because she absolutely could not wait another moment to update her Facebook status and let people know that she was driving around and listening to Happy. As a result of her narcissism ,she got into a fatal car accident.

Her life is over because of one Facebook status that has probably been forgotten by now. Social media is not worth dying for. It is absolutely idiotic to text and drive.
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
La Porte Texas
Hardiness Zone
United States
Some stupid woman died listening to the song Happy by Pharrell because she absolutely could not wait another moment to update her Facebook status and let people know that she was driving around and listening to Happy. As a result of her narcissism ,she got into a fatal car accident.

Her life is over because of one Facebook status that has probably been forgotten by now. Social media is not worth dying for. It is absolutely idiotic to text and drive.
Darwinism at its best


Oct 12, 2012
Reaction score
United States
With the number of incidents that have happened because of using your cell phone while driving you would think it would get thru to people to not use the phone and drive, but what am I thinking, people still drink and drive. Maybe the cell phones can have a kill switch on them that will make the phone not work when a car is in motion, but people walk with the darn things stuck to the side of their heads and still cause problems.
Jul 17, 2013
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I'm so glad I always turn the mobile off when I'm driving or at the cinema. I know some people use their mobile instead of GPS, because it's more handy sometimes, but those who don't... glad my texts are read to me if I'm in the car. I still think keeping the mobile on while driving can be distracting, not a good idea unless you use it as your GPS.

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