I got several cauliflower, Brussel sprouts and broccoli plants from a local very reliable nursery. I prepared my beds by tilling, adding some compost and some horticultural sand in recommended proportions. The beds are on a bit of a grade and I planted the cauliflower in top 2 rows, then Brussels then Broccoli. These were first planted as 4-6" high plants about 4 weeks ago (I'm in lower NY state) during a mild week to harden them outdoors but since then we have have several cold nights down to 40F and many very wet days. The Brussels and Broccoli are doing great but the cauliflower has leaves turning yellow. At first I thought these were the older leaves from some shock but I now see even some new leaves turning. I have not watered during the past 2 weeks due to periods of heavy rain and my testing of the soil shows its quite moist. Is this some cauliflower specific bug, how do I treat?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.