Hello everyone,
I have a beautiful Pilea that has been dying for a few weeks. At first I thought that the plant could not stand the recent repotting but on closer inspection I noticed very small white insects on the leaves. I thought they were Thrips larvae but I didn't see any adults and for having had Thrips before these insects are smaller and more "round" than the Thrips larvae I had on my Montsera. It could be spider mites but there are no traces of webs on the plant. I took some pictures. Could you help me identify them? Thank you.
Ps : sorry for my english if the sentences look strange, it not my first language.
I have a beautiful Pilea that has been dying for a few weeks. At first I thought that the plant could not stand the recent repotting but on closer inspection I noticed very small white insects on the leaves. I thought they were Thrips larvae but I didn't see any adults and for having had Thrips before these insects are smaller and more "round" than the Thrips larvae I had on my Montsera. It could be spider mites but there are no traces of webs on the plant. I took some pictures. Could you help me identify them? Thank you.
Ps : sorry for my english if the sentences look strange, it not my first language.
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