Wheat & Squirrels

Jul 9, 2016
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United States
Last year, my dad grew some wheat--just a small patch--and it did pretty well. I think he got a few pounds of it, which was all he was really expecting from his small patch.

He didn't seem to have any troubles with pests last year, except the occasional turkey. This year, however, the squirrels are really being a hassle. Between them and the severe thunder storms we keep getting, he is thinking he may not get any crop from this patch.

Does anyone have experience with squirrels and how to keep them out of a grain-type crop like wheat?

Thanks in advance!


Full Access Member
Apr 18, 2016
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Middle Tennessee
United States
Squirrels can be a pest, they sure are fun to watch. I have too many squirrels to count and they never bother my garden until the corn gets ripe. I use a motion detector light connected to 2 school bells and an electric horn when the squirrels set off the motion detector the noise scares them away. LOL.
Jul 9, 2016
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United States
Omg, that's a both good and funny idea, Gary! I think I might have to mention that idea to my dad. LOL

Chuck, you're hilarious! :p I'm a vegetarian, but my dad HAS made squirrel pie!


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May 23, 2016
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United States
I never plant anything squirrels would like, because they are all over the place here. There is a huge one that comes on the back rail of the deck, that is as big as a cat I swear. I think trying to keep squirrels away from something like corn would be almost impossible, but I guess anything can done. Maybe if you tossed them a few ears on the ground..they would leave the ones in the garden alone.!

Esther Knapicius

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Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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Cats help. One of my good male cats passed on 2 years ago, this year 2 of my good males passed on. we have squirrels, more than ever, bunnies and chipmunks. My neighbor across the street bumped into me the other day, first thing,--do you still have your cats, we see lots of bunnies this year. Told her I am down to 4 now. Old mom. and two males who really are not hunters, and a female--she likes to hunt--but she is only one, and you see her at it now and then. A good hunting male cat. However, not all are good hunters. How you can tell, who knows, I just lucked out. I think its because the Old mom was feral, she taught them, what they need to catch. She hobbles now and enjoys sleeping long hours on a pillow in the garden room.


Feb 2, 2014
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La Porte Texas
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United States
Cats help. One of my good male cats passed on 2 years ago, this year 2 of my good males passed on. we have squirrels, more than ever, bunnies and chipmunks. My neighbor across the street bumped into me the other day, first thing,--do you still have your cats, we see lots of bunnies this year. Told her I am down to 4 now. Old mom. and two males who really are not hunters, and a female--she likes to hunt--but she is only one, and you see her at it now and then. A good hunting male cat. However, not all are good hunters. How you can tell, who knows, I just lucked out. I think its because the Old mom was feral, she taught them, what they need to catch. She hobbles now and enjoys sleeping long hours on a pillow in the garden room.
Best cat I ever had was a feral calico. Never once did I ever get to touch her. She was wild her entire life. When I fed her she would get to about 10 feet from me. She would bring home everything from mice to rattlesnakes, even brought home a live full grown crow once. She had lots of babies but none were ever in her league. Had her for years but one day she didn't come home

Esther Knapicius

Full Access Member
Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
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4 to 5 best for success.
United States
Best cat I ever had was a feral calico. Never once did I ever get to touch her. She was wild her entire life. When I fed her she would get to about 10 feet from me. She would bring home everything from mice to rattlesnakes, even brought home a live full grown crow once. She had lots of babies but none were ever in her league. Had her for years but one day she didn't come home
The original feral MOMCAT is still with us, she appeared out of no where about 15 years ago, kept her distance also, but would come on the deck for dry food. I rigged up a warm house for her, and made sure she had water in the freezing winter. Had two litters. After the second one, was able to trap her and get her fixed. Two of her children remain with us. Others placed in good home, or the ones passed on that I mentioned above. She had a boyfriend who stayed around for years even after she was fixed. She .actually one day came out of the woods with a mouse in her mouth, yelling for her kittens, through holding the prey. they surrounded her, she then dumped the mouse a their feet, yelled something else, I guess to say, this is what you catch. and each kitten had a smell at it, or what ever they did. Two winters ago she figured out the dog door, and now sleeps inside the garden room. She lets me pet her when she eats now, and if she is facing forward. Cannot come at her with my hand, will sure get a paw swap . And she is always the first to follow me in the gardens. She hobbles now some, I am thinking arthritis, but as there is no way I can pill her, I just make sure she is in for the night to rest up.

MOMCat is the one NOT on the stump. taken about 6 years ago. Teddy her son is on the stump.
Last edited:
Jul 9, 2016
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United States
Esther, those cats are beautiful. :) I love cats. My dad actually does have a cat, and she hunts, but it seems that she mostly sticks with smaller prey like mice and voles.

Now, my sister has got a cat who used to be feral and she rescued him and keeps him indoors. But I bet if she would let him out he would take care of a squirrel or two! Maybe I will have to convince her that he has a job to do.

Esther Knapicius

Full Access Member
Mar 28, 2015
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Southern Chester County, PA, USA
Hardiness Zone
4 to 5 best for success.
United States
Esther, those cats are beautiful. :) I love cats. My dad actually does have a cat, and she hunts, but it seems that she mostly sticks with smaller prey like mice and voles.

Now, my sister has got a cat who used to be feral and she rescued him and keeps him indoors. But I bet if she would let him out he would take care of a squirrel or two! Maybe I will have to convince her that he has a job to do.
after a couple weeks of being indoors, and getting him neutered, he will not roam far. Just do not know the traffic area for him to keep safe. My cats are in a good place with car traffic, house sets back really far and there are no /hardly any cars that pass our house.

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