I can't really help, they look a bit like several weeds I know, but on the other hand ... The sort of thing you won't know for certain what it is until it flowers, but
You didn't plant it, it is not something you wanted there, in one sense that makes it a weed.
If there is something you would like there the sooner you get it in the better, wait for that to flower and you may find it is too late.
There is a British cartoon strip called 'The Perishers', think British Peanuts. Wellington, the clever one, is slashing at plants with a scythe, Marlon, the thick one, asks,
What are you doing?
How do you know they are weeds?
They are growing aren't they!
These things are giving the brambles competition.
On the other hand if it's a new garden there may be other things you can get on with while you wait and see. They might be michaelmas daisies rather than docks, but Michaelmas is in September and docks grow deep roots.