A mystery.
What is the shrub in the first post? The leaves appear evergreen and the axillary flower buds do resemble those of a Ternstroemia, but that is only a guess. The commonly planted Ternstroemia gymnanthera looks different. That species seems to always have plenty of of red pigment at the base of its leaves, unlike this mystery shrub.
Another mystery. Where was this photographed. It is a cultivated plant and there are two weedy vines climbing through the shrub Chinese Wild Yam (Dioscorea polystachya (syn: D. batatas)) and Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia). I think this was probably photographed somewhere in the (south-)eastern U.S., but that is also a guess.
Yet another related mystery. The original poster 'blackthumb5' has none of the usual 'boilerplate' information' below his/her name, including a location which would have been helpful. Also the post was edited by a moderator on 16 July. That's odd too. If the OP gets a notice about this thread I hope he or she will respond.
By the way, CPP is right. The second plant is Mexican Petunia (Ruellia simplex). R. brittoniana is one of several synonyms.