You are welcome, vette-kid!
As far as more details, that's what Google is for! I
always recommend a little more learning before adding anything new. I want to know if any butterflies are attracted to a plant, and whether or not the @$%!!
thing will try to take over. Other people may want to know if any parts are toxic - I don't have to worry about that, since there are no children here.
Yes, the hibiscus is in the mallow family.
Malvaceae if you want to get technical.
It's a big family, and includes hibiscus, Rose of Sharon, hollyhocks, cotton, and okra. The only one with any toxic properties is cotton. Marshmallows are made from a type of hollyhock. (I learned something today!
Since joining this forum and reading posts from
@JBtheExplorer, I've been trying to plant more native plants. Partly because it will help the native birds and bees, but also because it makes more sense to me. Why keep trying to change my soil to suit something that doesn't want to be here?
I want more plants like your tree out back that seems to do well despite poor sun and soil conditions.
are some plants I want just because I want them. The house I grew up in had irises, four o'clocks, lilacs and a pussy willow, and I want those at my house now - I don't care if they're native, they just "feel like home."