Tomato trellis solutions

Aug 6, 2020
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United States
Hey folks, new member here. Been gardening for 7-8 years now and I am located outside of Philadelphia, PA. Just built a pretty sizable raised bed this spring using the Home Depot blocks and love it so far. I have a slight issue with my tomato trellising and looking for solutions.

For my cherry/indeterminate plants I built a trellis from conduit and staked the plants 4' high and then weave them through a net that is attached to the conduit trellis. The top of the trellis is 9' off the ground, and several of my plants are already well above that and the tops are flopping down. It's a good problem to have I suppose. I just don't know if I can built it any higher and actually access it without a ladder. I am tall at 6'5" but I don't want to involve a ladder in my gardening!

Now my determinate roma and san marzanos have also completely outgrown their tomato cages and are leaning or falling over. This year has been nuts and all my plants have grown so fast. I have a couple of the wire circular cages as well as two of the 5' high squared cages with are more robust, but even they are leaning over a bit. I am not sure what to do.

Somewhat related, I have a friend who is growing determine and indeterminate and treating all of the plants as indeterminate. He built a very high trellis and uses bailing twine that hangs down to wrap and 'train' his plants. He is also a nazi about suckers and offshoots so they are single vine only. I have never heard of determinate tomatoes done that way but I think it works for him. Is this a viable alternative to tomato cages for determinates? I know you will get less production but you would have room for more plants if you did single vine so maybe it works out. Looking for any suggestions. Thank you!


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