I haven't been told this, no...rather I have proven to myself through careful experimentation that it is factual.
Corn seed should definitely all be planted in the same direction/orientation in a home garden.
I prefer to plant mine tip down but the important thing is to plant every seed the same way, same direction, same depth.
Why? Because in home gardens pollination is absolutely critical for corn. The optimum pollination comes when each corn plant comes out of the soil at the same time making tassels at the same time and silks at the same time and most critical pollen at the same time.
Don't believe me? Call it hearsay? Before you do that and make a fool of yourself, try it yourself.
Point the seeds in all different directions/orientations and note when each one breaks through the soil. Several days of difference in the time of breaking through the soil will result...at least it does for me 100% of the time.
The photo below illustrates the point I'm making. This is three distinct plantings of corn stagger planted with the seed all in one direction to optimize pollination in each crop and harvest time in each crop. It works!!
Before you call it hearsay, maybe one should find out for themselves.