I had fence around my garden before I expanded it but no longer.
Thinking of planting Sweet Corn next year but I'm afraid I'm feeding critters.
Am I wasting time and space. Also I can't eat Corn on the cob because I don't have teeth.
Should I even think of planting it or go ahead and try ?
big rockpile
Ofcourse you can plant corn. You can get a food processor & make some delicious corn poridge with milk, butter & honey by juicing the corn center & juice out, but removing the skin & endosperm. Or you can let it ripen longer and dry for making fine powdered corn meal in a grain mill. Then you can bake a soft corn bread, or make a grittier porridge out of it, sprinkle it in soup, etc.
I agree with AnneKay. Squirels are not usually detered by fences, but you can deter them with things like chili pepper spray, lavender, peppermint & valerian root EO. You can also plant companion plants in a ring around your corn that they don't like the smell or taste of. Raccoons, climb fences so you need a full enclosure or electric fence to deter both plus in ground fencing because they dig. Raccoons don't usually go after my garden, but if they are a problem for you, consider putting out some sprinkled cat or dog food away from the garden & they will be occupied there at night instead.