Need some help regarding my green beans. We bought a pack of Roma II Bush Beans from Gurney's to try. I also bought my old favorite type of bush beans from Lowes made by Ferry & Morse because I always have success with those. The Gurney's beans were white and the F&M were very dark brown with black flecks. Both were planted in same soil and watered equally. Today, the F&Ms started poking through and coming up. They look really healthy where the Gurney's haven't done squat. So, me and Hubby dug down to see why and found that the Gurney's white seeds turned to mush! That's indicative of a fungus or over-watering, right? I'm not sure why this happened other than they're different seeds/types with different needs. Maybe the F&M have a better disease tolerance? Any other reasons this may have happened?