Have you ever tried Ramps ? I had never heard of them until I moved to this house, and found them growing by the front of the trailer. When I asked the landlord, he said they were some sort of wild onion or garlic , but they look a lot like a leek. I did an online search, and found that they are called Ramps, and they grow wild and come up over winter/spring when it is cool. Mine have been growing all winter , and I just scissored off some tops, cut them into small pieces, and added to soups, stews, salads, and about everything you can add an onion into. The taste is somewhere between a green onion and a garlic, and delicious.
Here is a picture of the ones growing by my trailer. I am hoping to save some seed from them after they flower, and plant even more of them.
Here is a picture of the ones growing by my trailer. I am hoping to save some seed from them after they flower, and plant even more of them.