Please, keep off the grass. From Quora Anonymous

Dec 11, 2014
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I smoked marijuana for 4 years, all day, everyday(well, almost) and finally decided to stop smoking, 2 weeks ago. Let me correct that statement, trying to quit. So, I guess that makes me qualified to answer this question.

1) Addiction

I never realized I was addicted to it until I decided to quit.

In these 4 years there have been times like holidays which I spent with my parents or travelling as long as a month or two and I never craved for it during such times. It made me believe what I read over the internet about marijuana not being addictive. I knew I'll be smoking again once I was back to college after the holidays. I never faced any issues, no withdrawal symptoms !

A couple of weeks back, a friend of mine shared with me his experience of quitting and it was awful ! I thought I'll give it a shot and try quit.

The first 4-5 days were not an issue, but I kept reminding myself that I was never going to smoke. Then it began, I started getting anxious, and there were times that nose alone was not enough for the amount of air I needed. Insomnia, nausea, severe headaches, muscular cramps and loss of appetite are minor issues to me right now. What is really troubling me is all these emotions that I feel are trying to come out. I often end up crying for no reason, I have already broken my lamp, tore two books, my room is a mess as of now as I end up throwing stuff around. I feel very, very vulnerable. Anything I try to eat, I end up throwing up, which is why I am on complete liquid diet, except that diet is just plain water. My body is rejecting almost everything else.

Hey, I might be an exception, but I can safely conclude that I did get addicted.

2) Health

A little change of diet had significant effects on my weight, one month I weigh 150 pounds, the next 200 pounds and the next 170 pounds. This is to just give you an idea, it was a lot worse.

Everyone in my family has great hair, shiny black, thick and very very dense. For me, its in the past now. The lustre is gone, over 40% of my hair does not exist now and if we ever meet, please do not pull my hair, I will lose all the hair you can get hold off.

I don't think I even need to mention the loss in stamina. I played football in my high school and college freshman year. I could hardly run half a mile without dropping dead.

I started stammering and often found myself at loss of words. It got harder for me to convert ideas into actions, or thoughts into words.

Retention or access to previously learnt things got harder.

Now, imagine a 24 year old with the above mentioned issues with dark circles.

Around 24, one is supposed to be at the prime of his/her health ( if no other medical issues). Do you think I am ?

On July 1st , 2014, the day I decided to quit, I weighed 219 pounds.
On July 14th, 2014, the date I am writing this, I weigh 193 pounds.

3) Education and Career

I was not the smartest kid in my program, but I was in the top 15 in a class of 120 students in the freshman year.

I managed to finish my program with the rest of the class, but I was in the bottom 3. The other two were my friends who smoked as well.

I started my own company, we made web based products. A senior helped me get projects(based partly on our lies and the presentation), I failed to meet the deadline for each one them and 7 months later, when I ran out of resources, I had to shut it down.

Unemployed for the past 6 months.

( I know there are people who have made it big with this habit, you must know a lot of them. But, guess who you don't know about, a lot of them who failed.)

4) Relationships

I preferred smoking up and watching movies or playing PC games or listen to Floyd, Creed, Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, Bob Marley, Godsmack, Metallica with occasional 311 and techno. It was the best feeling in the world, everything else was just secondary.

My girlfriend dumped me, lost complete contact with any friend who was not a part of my smoking circle, the teachers hated me( I was sloppy and late, always).

In March of 2014, my grandma passed away. We were very close, indeed she home schooled me for the first 3-4 years of my life, we often travelled together and it is safe to say that most of my pre adult life, I had spent with her. While she was being cremated, I smoked up a joint and was listening to Empty Spaces and Fat old sun. I did not cry, I did not feel a thing. And today when I am writing this, I am ashamed of myself. She loved me more than anyone will ever do, she deserved those tears.

(Now I am crying, I really miss her today.)

I did not even say goodbye to her, I did not even say goodbye. I'll have to live with this for the rest of my life.


PS :- Lets for a moment assume that I was an exception and 95% of the people go through their life without anything going wary. But trust me, you don't want to end up among us 5%. All the peace, the numbness, the happiness, the music, the artistic feeling is not worth it. All this can be done without weed.

Please, keep off the grass.
Dec 11, 2014
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The general trend or policy is not to denigrate the use of marijuana. My limited exposure to pot users it is they are losers. On 420 Forum my post has been compared to the REEFER MADNESS video. Any beneficial effects are all anecdotal.

That said. It appears all societies need something to addle their brain. Marijuana is just one of many substances. Western society has latched onto alcohol with niche areas of other substances.
Dec 11, 2014
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I know one Ironman qbout 55. His body is a physical wreck. Knee and hips gone. Never valuated his brain.
Dec 11, 2014
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Zone 5
Canada ... nabis-use/

There simply aren’t any high quality, peer-reviewed, repeatable studies on the long-term effects of natural cannabis on humans. ... nabis-use/ Here’s what the actual research says about the dangers of cannabis use.

The sheeple have jumped on the consumer bandwagon with absolutely no coherent, meaningful substance.


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