As there are several varieties of money tree plants, without a picture , its is very difficult to know which variety you are referring to and needing help with, but as the most popular named Money Tree Plant is this Crassula
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am assuming that this is the one. In which case I would say that the symptoms you are describing, sound like those of over watering or lack of drainage, by that I mean, that there may not be enough drainage holes in the bottom the pot, which would mean, that because the plant was frequently watered and the water was unable to drain out - the plant is permanently sitting in water, therefore making it turn brown.
The Crassula family are succulents, which means they require extremely good drainage and infrequent watering and then, only when the soil is dry, so I think, the fact that you have been watering your plant every day is the biggest problem, in which case the best thing to do is stop watering it and let the soil dry out, but also think, as you don't want to lose the plant, that it may also be a good idea, to make double sure that your plant pot has adequate drainage.