My mature monstera has been showing some confusing behavior. A number of the leaves are wilting, yellowing, and becoming transparent. On the other hand, I have new growth that looks normal. I've had a fungus gnat infestation for the last couple of weeks, which I've been treating with hydrogen peroxide and in my last watering, I used mosquito bits. Could the yellowing be from the fungus gnat infestation?
For context: (1) The plant is in front of west facing windows; (2) I use a moisture meter and water when it reads 2 and I stick my finger in to make sure the top is dry; (3) I've starting regularly misting the plant the last two weeks
For context: (1) The plant is in front of west facing windows; (2) I use a moisture meter and water when it reads 2 and I stick my finger in to make sure the top is dry; (3) I've starting regularly misting the plant the last two weeks