• Thread starter Peace perfect peace
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Peace perfect peace

Greeting to all garden Lovers new and old.

I did say on friday I'd reply to Chucks mention of Manure and how manure here in this part of the world is used and why its used.

Now we should all keep in mind that this forum is part of the WWW, program "world , wide, webw," and being part of such a web we have all sorts of ways of doing things from different countries and in different ways, even our english is not the same when it comes to spelling, But by reading how things are done world wide we can only But learn, right or wrong it's all here for those who are willing to listern or in this case read.
So let me explain the subject of MANURE and how this part of the world produces and puts it to use.

Cold or hot Manure
In the uk /france/germany/holland etc Cold manuer as its known comes from the cow's / birds etc
The reason its known as cold is due to the fact that it's delivered via a very watery /sloppy fashion and once its out of the animal and lands on the floor
it cools down very fast and unless the floor has a material covering such as straw!!!!!! Then this semi liquid manure will stay as a liquid,

During very cold winters its the norm for such grass eating animal cow's etc to be housed indoors (Barns stables etc) The outside food supply isn't growing and so the cow's are fed from stored dried foods, But they still produce manure (liquid manure) Now because these animals are living for months under cover this manure and straw can't stay laying about and has tobe moved outside, the ammonia alone will cause sickness and breathing problems to the animal hence removal,
Now a pro farmer would have a grid drainage system so that when the staw/manure are put on a concrete floor (norm is that this floor is angled to form a slope)
The liquid flow's down the slope through the grid drainage system and under this grid is a section of large storage tanks, the fluid collects in these tanks and this very Liquid manure is really Liquid gold to any live stock farmer, it's used to spray over the ground as a fertilizer "just as we feed our veg etc" so the farmer feeds his much larger field to grow feed for his cows etc,
The more straw side of this waste is collected and stored in a compost heap like pile and then spread over the land and rotovated into the soil,

Hot manuer
Now Hot manuer is what we get from the likes of the horse /sheep/ pig etc,
This form of manuer looks more like a plumb shape and this manuer because of its shape and the animals digestive system being different from a cows keeps its heat value when its delivered from the body stays warmer for longer and can provided you keep the manuer away from the stems of the plant (such as roses be used withing hours of it being delivered from the animal,
It can be dug into the soil in winter when your getting the soil ready for spring planting, etc as it already has the bacteria in the manuer and the soils humus will take care of the rest.

What is it?
When the worms eat the manuer and bacteri in the soil/compost it passes through the body and this waste is whats called humus,
its the processed Or an other way of explaing it "the refined" manuer offerings, from the worms,
The best nature can offer for your soil/plants etc.

What is it,
Its Bird droppings,
Now birds eating and urination system all go down and come out the same part of the bird, hence this form of manuer is very high in lime and nutrients
It can be purchased ready to use from amazon or your own chickens house cleaning "composted" will also be of good use "but" this form of manuer must be if used fresh allowed to compost, its not a next day ues manure as its very lime make up can kill fresh roots stems etc. but is ideal to heat up your compost heap,

Again a natural nature offering for your garden,
If your lucky enough to live by the shore line or know a fisherman friend who can get you SEAWEED?? then again a very good form of imroving your garden
But you'll see many seaweed products in the garden centre's etc and this proves the worth of such growing aids.

I hope this has helped anyone who isn't to informed as to "MANURE" and remember compost and manure are two different things,
Manuer is an ingrdient to making compost, ie you cant sow seeds directly into a dollop of cow manuer and expect the seed to grow
But by adding manuer into the compost heap or directly to soil you can improve the compost your making and improve your soil and by sowing seed/plants grow the item in a strong healthy state.

Good gardening to you all.

Ps All my home grown veg/fruit etc taste nothing like supermarket bought food, you dont get fresher than growing your own And you'll know how it was grown and what went into it,


Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
La Porte Texas
Hardiness Zone
United States
I had no idea about this. In the US it isn't done even close to what you folks do. Here beef cattle's manure is only collected at auction barns, feed lots or slaughter houses where the manure is piled up and some fertilizer/compost maker comes and buys it. The same with chickens. Horses, pigs, goat and sheep are all swept in with the cows. Dairy cattle manure is just piled up and depending on the dairy's owner he does what he wants with it .

Here hot manure is manure fresh out of the animal. Cold manure is aged, dry and crumbly. Here 99.9% of the beef consumed is grain fed, not grass fed for the last few weeks of its life. This grain fed beef is not natural as a cows natural food is grass. This difference makes hot manure dangerous to humans as this manure has the potential and in many cases, already has been the direct cause for E. Coli infections causing multiple deaths around the country. Before any of this manure can be used it is pasteurized and made into different forms of fertilizers. Even folks who have a few cows, horses or chickens would never use green or hot manure on their plants. Hay farmers here collect manure where it is dried and spread on their fields but it is a far cry from a fresh liquid.

Peace perfect peace

I had no idea about this. In the US it isn't done even close to what you folks do. Here beef cattle's manure is only collected at auction barns, feed lots or slaughter houses where the manure is piled up and some fertilizer/compost maker comes and buys it. The same with chickens. Horses, pigs, goat and sheep are all swept in with the cows. Dairy cattle manure is just piled up and depending on the dairy's owner he does what he wants with it .

Here hot manure is manure fresh out of the animal. Cold manure is aged, dry and crumbly. Here 99.9% of the beef consumed is grain fed, not grass fed for the last few weeks of its life. This grain fed beef is not natural as a cows natural food is grass. This difference makes hot manure dangerous to humans as this manure has the potential and in many cases, already has been the direct cause for E. Coli infections causing multiple deaths around the country. Before any of this manure can be used it is pasteurized and made into different forms of fertilizers. Even folks who have a few cows, horses or chickens would never use green or hot manure on their plants. Hay farmers here collect manure where it is dried and spread on their fields but it is a far cry from a fresh liquid.
Hi chuck,
As i said in the start, the WWW really is an open book to who's doing what where and how,

Here in france a new rule has come out ref mucking spreading as its called (using animal manure on the land)
And they've decided that any one years manure from one herd of cow's "say" can only be used on one field,
the next years muck tobe spread on that very same fiel must come from a different herd of (say) cow's.

The thought behind this is that if any of those cows did have any form of decease in their manure then it would'nt become a native of that field'

(it's like crop rotation and we do this rotation of crops to stop spreading the verious plant crop decease in the same area)

iTs a changing world and what with all the problem with tone of waste "plastic" being found 7 miles under the sea and a lot of the time we've not a clue whats in the food we're eating it makes you wonder whats going on.

Nice to have talked with you chuck,


No N-P-K Required
Feb 5, 2019
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East Texas
Hardiness Zone
old zone 8b/new zone 9a
United States
... Here beef cattle's manure is only collected at auction barns, feed lots or slaughter houses where the manure is piled up and some fertilizer/compost maker comes and buys it. ...

To say "only" is incorrect. I raise beef cattle and collect wherever I find it, whenever I need it. Many (most) neighbors here do the same.


Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
La Porte Texas
Hardiness Zone
United States
To say "only" is incorrect. I raise beef cattle and collect wherever I find it, whenever I need it. Many (most) neighbors here do the same.
You know what I meant. Out of the 300 million people in the US how many are ranchers who collect manure out of their own pastures and how many people buy manure based fertilizers the manure which came from a feedlot? You are in small numbers almost infinitesimal.


No N-P-K Required
Feb 5, 2019
Reaction score
East Texas
Hardiness Zone
old zone 8b/new zone 9a
United States
Not infinitesimal....and certainly not "only"


No N-P-K Required
Feb 5, 2019
Reaction score
East Texas
Hardiness Zone
old zone 8b/new zone 9a
United States
There are hundreds of thousands of folks and families, perhaps millions, that raise chickens, rabbits, goats, horses, etc. etc not to mention beef cattle that make use of the provided animal fertilizer in their gardens. To ignore them is to ignore a huge segment of the gardening population in the USA.

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