Hi there, I have been having an insect problem with my indoor fiddle leaf for couple of months now. I have been thoroughly cleaning the plant and each leaf couple of times already, getting rid of all visible bugs and spots, using insect spray and also treating the plant with neem oil. After about a week or two I am able to spot these bugs again so I need to repeat the process again. Initially I thought the plant was infested with spider mites but I am not entirely sure now since I am not seeing any webbing that is common in such case. Please help me identify this insect and I would appreciate any advice on how to cure my plant. It seems that there are could be either two insect types or just one in adult and nascent form. I am attaching 2 photos for reference. The small ones look like tiny black dots moving around the leaves or sometimes staying attached hard on the leaves which requires scrubbing to remove. The bigger ones seem more mobile and longer in shape. I run out of ideas so any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!