I can't grow plants/flowers from seed


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Jul 17, 2013
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I don't know why is it, but I've never been able to grow a plant or a flower from seed, everytime I try nothing grows! I've tried with those seeds they sell at the store, but nothing ever grows when I plant those. The only time I've had sucess growing something from seed was when I used some cucumber seeds my dad gave me, those seeds weren't the ones that you see in every super market tho. So this is the only time I've been successful.

My future father-in-law seems to be capable to grow EVERYTHING from seed, I swear... it seems there is nothing this man can't do when it comes to gardening! The guy is like a magician with a very green thumb!

Do you think the seeds are to blame or is it all on me? I always follow the exact instructions that you can read on the reverse of the seed packets. I always fail :( I've never known why exactly. Got any tips for me? Any idea of what could be going so wrong?

Thanks in advance,

gata montes

Full Access Member
Aug 16, 2013
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I don't know why is it, but I've never been able to grow a plant or a flower from seed, everytime I try nothing grows! I've tried with those seeds they sell at the store, but nothing ever grows when I plant those. The only time I've had sucess growing something from seed was when I used some cucumber seeds my dad gave me, those seeds weren't the ones that you see in every super market tho. So this is the only time I've been successful.

My future father-in-law seems to be capable to grow EVERYTHING from seed, I swear... it seems there is nothing this man can't do when it comes to gardening! The guy is like a magician with a very green thumb!

Do you think the seeds are to blame or is it all on me? I always follow the exact instructions that you can read on the reverse of the seed packets. I always fail :( I've never known why exactly. Got any tips for me? Any idea of what could be going so wrong?

Thanks in advance,

Now theres a question :D

Not having much success with growing plants from seeds, is something that many people think, is down to them doing something wrong. If every time you sow a seed and have followed all the guidelines on the packet, but absolutely nothing comes up, then I would have to say, it is more likely to be poor quality seed.

This is something that I've had to learn lot about in the past 10 years, as where I live there are no garden centers or nurseries and the only way to acquire plants is to grow them by seed. The most important thing I've learnt, is that you need to buy good quality seeds, and sometimes you even have to do a bit of research into the supplier, to see if their seeds are reliable germinators, just because the seeds are supplied by a well known name, doesn't always mean they will work.

Another thing to bear in mind is, what type of plants you are planning to grow from seed, as some germinate better than others, at different times of the year and under different conditions.

So don't be put off by past experience, it really is possible to grow almost anything from seed, if you have good quality seed. :)


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Sep 29, 2012
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United States
I have had success with some seeds and not with others. The best way to start a plant from seed is outdoors in natural conditions. Unfortunately, there are outdoor pests that will get to your seeds or sprouts before they ever have a chance. I have tried cloches unsuccessfully and my last indoor planted seeds didn't generate.

I have decided the best way to have success with seeds is to plant them outdoors in warm weather and protect them in a mesh enclosure of some kind. (This reminds me I forgot to plant my nasturtium seeds. Again.)


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Mar 19, 2013
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Northern Alabama
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I sometimes get my seeds to sprout, and sometimes not. I usually try sprouting some in trays, and planting some outside, in the hopes that at least one of those methods will work.
I think you should ask your FIL to be, and let him help you get some seeds started, since he can grow anything . I have also found some really great articles are gardening in, and starting seeds, on YouTube, so that is another resource to check out.
If all else fails, there is always a trip to Lowes or Walmart for some plants that are already growing, and you can set those out. I have usually done a mixture of both ways for my garden.


Full Access Member
Sep 6, 2013
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Some plants are much easier to grow from seed that others, in my experience. And as far as I can tell, half of the seed packets I've bought might as well have been empty for all the good they did me--I wonder if they just sat on the shelf for too long.


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Jul 17, 2013
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Yeah, I was thinking the same! I guess most seed packets do, I don't think there are that many gardeners out there in my area who are that interested in growing something from seed :p So far I've only been able to grow cucumbers and morning glories :)


Full Access Member
Jul 17, 2013
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Now theres a question :D

Not having much success with growing plants from seeds, is something that many people think, is down to them doing something wrong. If every time you sow a seed and have followed all the guidelines on the packet, but absolutely nothing comes up, then I would have to say, it is more likely to be poor quality seed.

This is something that I've had to learn lot about in the past 10 years, as where I live there are no garden centers or nurseries and the only way to acquire plants is to grow them by seed. The most important thing I've learnt, is that you need to buy good quality seeds, and sometimes you even have to do a bit of research into the supplier, to see if their seeds are reliable germinators, just because the seeds are supplied by a well known name, doesn't always mean they will work.

Another thing to bear in mind is, what type of plants you are planning to grow from seed, as some germinate better than others, at different times of the year and under different conditions.

So don't be put off by past experience, it really is possible to grow almost anything from seed, if you have good quality seed. :)

Wow gata, as usual you left me speechless! All this time I've been thinking the seeds didn't germinate at all because I must have done something really wrong, but I never thought there was something known as ''poor quality seeds''. I guess buying the seeds packets from the store isn't the best idea after all! I must admit I was fooled by the brand name all this time... because time after time I failed, and thought it was something I did wrong.

Where can I get quality seeds? Internet? Is there a good online store for that?


Full Access Member
Jul 17, 2013
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I have had success with some seeds and not with others. The best way to start a plant from seed is outdoors in natural conditions. Unfortunately, there are outdoor pests that will get to your seeds or sprouts before they ever have a chance. I have tried cloches unsuccessfully and my last indoor planted seeds didn't generate.

I have decided the best way to have success with seeds is to plant them outdoors in warm weather and protect them in a mesh enclosure of some kind. (This reminds me I forgot to plant my nasturtium seeds. Again.)

Ok, thanks for the tip :) I guess the best time to do this over here is spring and mid summer, the weather over here is scorching, but I don't think that affects the seed in a negative way? Planting the cucumbers was so easy! I could have just thrown the seeds on the floor... I'm sure they'd have germinated; those seeds were amazing! Do you always buy your seeds in the same place? same brand?


Full Access Member
Jul 17, 2013
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I sometimes get my seeds to sprout, and sometimes not. I usually try sprouting some in trays, and planting some outside, in the hopes that at least one of those methods will work.
I think you should ask your FIL to be, and let him help you get some seeds started, since he can grow anything . I have also found some really great articles are gardening in, and starting seeds, on YouTube, so that is another resource to check out.
If all else fails, there is always a trip to Lowes or Walmart for some plants that are already growing, and you can set those out. I have usually done a mixture of both ways for my garden.

Thanks for the advice, to be honest I was avoiding to ask my FIL some help because I didn't want to admit I'm not good at growing things from a seed at all :oops: The man was a professional gardener, I was hoping to be able to do somethings on my own, but oh well! At least I've someone experienced enough helping me out, right? I tried the egg carton method as well, but that one didn't work (n) So I just threw the dang thing away :X3: I prefer to buy plants that are already big and growing, but I'd like to be able to plant my own flowers one day :)

gata montes

Full Access Member
Aug 16, 2013
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Wow gata, as usual you left me speechless! All this time I've been thinking the seeds didn't germinate at all because I must have done something really wrong, but I never thought there was something known as ''poor quality seeds''. I guess buying the seeds packets from the store isn't the best idea after all! I must admit I was fooled by the brand name all this time... because time after time I failed, and thought it was something I did wrong.

Where can I get quality seeds? Internet? Is there a good online store for that?

Thank you again Trellum, hopefully now ,you too will be able to enjoy the pleasure of being surrounded by plants, that you, yourself have raised from seed :) and believe me its very satisfying once you've got the knack.

The internet is, for me the best source, although I have had a few recommendations too. :D
Who I use to supply the seeds, is very much dependent on what it is that I want to grow.

For vegetables ,soft fruits and a few annuals I only use Italian seed suppliers.
For exotic, rare and unusual plants, I normally get the seeds from several German suppliers, but there are a few good UK ones as well.
For perennials and herbs, there is only one German seed supplier that I will buy these seeds from.

As an introduction to growing plants from seed, think vegetables, annuals and even herbs would be the best place to start ,as these are normally thought of as the easiest and more often that not, germinate without too much trouble.
But one thing worth remembering is that, not all seed species germinate in the same way, which means roughly speaking, vegetables or annuals are more likely to germinate, when sown in the spring to early summer depending on your climate, whereas perennial seeds are best sown in the autumn.

Just in case you ask, I don't start any of my seeds off indoors as they always land up being weak plants.:(
I start all my seeds off outdoors, some directly in the ground where I want them to grow or by placing them, in what I call my mini greenhouses, which are plastic 8 liter water bottles cut in half, and have found that all my seeds germinate very successfully this way. :)


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Sep 29, 2012
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United States
Ok, thanks for the tip :) I guess the best time to do this over here is spring and mid summer, the weather over here is scorching, but I don't think that affects the seed in a negative way? Planting the cucumbers was so easy! I could have just thrown the seeds on the floor... I'm sure they'd have germinated; those seeds were amazing! Do you always buy your seeds in the same place? same brand?

I don't have one particular place for buying seeds. My lavender is from seed I received for free when purchasing something else. My basil seeds were saved from plants I grew or got at the farmer's market. I was given a growing kit with zinnia seeds and I saved some of the flower heads and managed to regrow those... I have some nasturtium seed that was purchased at a garden center that I finally set out a few days ago. Waiting to see what will come of those.

Some seeds need to be soaked, scarred, stratified, etc., and if you don' t know this, you won't have great success with them. It's a real learning process.


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Jul 17, 2013
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I can see that now :p Some people might think this is too much work for a hobby, but I'm extremely stubborn to listen to them! I'll have to learn more about it. Mind telling me where I can get more info on how to treat each seed? Is there a good book talking about that?


Full Access Member
Jul 17, 2013
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Thank you again Trellum, hopefully now ,you too will be able to enjoy the pleasure of being surrounded by plants, that you, yourself have raised from seed :) and believe me its very satisfying once you've got the knack.

The internet is, for me the best source, although I have had a few recommendations too. :D
Who I use to supply the seeds, is very much dependent on what it is that I want to grow.

For vegetables ,soft fruits and a few annuals I only use Italian seed suppliers.
For exotic, rare and unusual plants, I normally get the seeds from several German suppliers, but there are a few good UK ones as well.
For perennials and herbs, there is only one German seed supplier that I will buy these seeds from.

As an introduction to growing plants from seed, think vegetables, annuals and even herbs would be the best place to start ,as these are normally thought of as the easiest and more often that not, germinate without too much trouble.
But one thing worth remembering is that, not all seed species germinate in the same way, which means roughly speaking, vegetables or annuals are more likely to germinate, when sown in the spring to early summer depending on your climate, whereas perennial seeds are best sown in the autumn.

Just in case you ask, I don't start any of my seeds off indoors as they always land up being weak plants.:(
I start all my seeds off outdoors, some directly in the ground where I want them to grow or by placing them, in what I call my mini greenhouses, which are plastic 8 liter water bottles cut in half, and have found that all my seeds germinate very successfully this way. :)

Thanks for sharing that tip! I was told using water bottles cut in half was a great idea, have you ever used the egg carton method? I used it once, but no luck. Now that I look back... I had no idea of what I was doing, lol. I see gardening is a real art, so far all the plants I have where bought from a nursery, but there are some plants I can't get over here. That's the kind of plants I'd love to grow from a seed. I'll keep all your advice in mind, thank you so much :)

gata montes

Full Access Member
Aug 16, 2013
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No haven't used egg cartons, as I prefer something a little larger for the roots to spread out, but know a few that have, who said, the clear plastic tops were okay. but the bottoms disintegrated long before the seedling was ready to be transplanted. :(

As ChanellG mentioned, collecting your own seeds is another way ,and great fun too, but something worth remembering is that not all seeds come true to the mother plant.

I wouldn't get too hung up, on the various techniques required to get seeds to germinate at this moment in time, as many of them, may well sound confusing and are perhaps better left, until you are faced with a seed that needs a specific treatment, but if you wish to be prepared in advance, the internet is probably your best bet, as the information is more likely to be up to date, in terms of latest methods. :)


Full Access Member
Jul 17, 2013
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Thanks, Gata montes :) You always have something nice and uplifting to say! You make everything sound so easy :p I guess that's part of your personality. I'll not complicate myself with the different germination methods for now. I guess I'll try planting something I know I can get right very easily first, like for example morning glories. I'll do it next year :)

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