How much does a tree removal cost in the UK ?

Apr 17, 2022
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United Kingdom
We have literally just had some tree surgeons from the treesurgeonnearme app come over and quote us over £600 to remove 3 large conifer trees (25ft - 30ft high)

Does this sound a bit expensive to you ? I have never, ever used a tree surgeon in my life, so I have no idea how much they cost but that too me seems a bit expensive ?
Sep 18, 2021
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United States
United States
We have literally just had some tree surgeons from the treesurgeonnearme app come over and quote us over £600 to remove 3 large conifer trees (25ft - 30ft high)

Does this sound a bit expensive to you tree removal durham nc? I have never, ever used a tree surgeon in my life, so I have no idea how much they cost but that too me seems a bit expensive ?
With the weather getting better lately, me and my other half are planning on opening up the garden a bit and chopping down some large conifers that are 25ft - 30ft in height, we would like to let more light in and a fresh look. I need some help with pricing, if anybody has used a tree surgeon lately ? .. I can't remember having to ever hire a tree surgeon and if I was 20 years younger, I would do it myself! However, do you think £600 is reasonable for 5 large conifers to get removed ?


Full Access Member
Jan 8, 2015
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Very West Midlands, UK
United Kingdom
We paid £800 to have the Monkey Puzzle cut down. That was three blokes working all day, so we reckoned it was a fair price. The stump grinding will be extra as he has to hire the machine.
£600 for 5 trees seems reasonable. Does it include removing the stumps?

Oliver Buckle

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Feb 13, 2021
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United Kingdom
It depends a bit on the situation. Next door had their oak tree pruned, but when we asked about ours we were quoted twice as much because there was a shed, a greenhouse, and a hedge so they had to rope the branches and lower them rather than simply dropping them. Same applies if they have to dismember it in situ rather than just felling it and then chopping it up on the ground, but fell and remove three 30ft trees for £500 does not sound too bad.
I have taken down a couple of conifers, the logs are nice and straight and I split them, then sawed them into 5foot lengths. really useful for building compost heaps and temporary edging as they are well resistant to rot.

Sean Regan

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Jan 31, 2018
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"The Tropic of Trafford"
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Keir Hardy
United Kingdom
It's the same with any job.

Get three quotes and ask each for the name and address where they've done a similar job.
Make sure the quote includes the disposal of them. It can make it twice as expensive.
It'll be a lot cheaper to get rid of them yourself, you could do it a bit at a time each week, in the "green bin." Take some down to the tip yourself.


Full Access Member
Mar 22, 2017
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United Kingdom
My mate is a tree surgeon. I have learned over the years just how complicated and dangerous the job can be.
There are more things to consider than meets the eye, and the price obviously has to reflect each job on an individual level. As a general guide though, I would estimate that £600 is a very fair price if it is all inclusive, and the wood is removed from the site. Three large conifers will make a huge amount of stuff to get rid of. It will either have to be taken off to a burn hole for disposing of, or put through an industrial size chipper. It is useless wood for the log burner, and will require a hell of a lot of handling. It would take a ridiculous amount of time to dispose of three trees that size in the ''green bin'' Of course, if you have a very large bit of land there, you could always burn them yourself, or stack them up to season them for a few years.

Whatever you do decide - welcome to the forums 😊

Mike Allen

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Jan 29, 2018
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Ah! This has become what I call, 'a dodgy area'. From my er! very much younger days. Some tree surgery was included in getting my certs etc. so Yes it involves much more than cutting off a few branches.
Nowadays there are 'Tree Surgeons' and tree surgeons. Similar to the time when work was short and many were being laid off etc. A small trailer plus a cheapy mower and suddenly Joe Bloggs became a skilled gardener.

A few years ago, my friend who had his own registered tree surgery business, cut down a Prunus Padus for me, leaving just a stump of about 18inches. that soon rotted away. I was charged around £50. I was satisfied.

Recently a couple of chaps knocked and suggested my conifer was too high, and as they did work for the local council, the council would possibly insist the tree be sorted soon. Conversation soon ended when I stated that I was a council tenant so the latter could pay up.

Most recent another caller. Advert flyers were flashed about etc. The time was ripe. My old friend had retired. The spread of this confer was taking over my garden. I was quoted £500 to remove and take away some six/seven limbs. The guys even moved some of my tubs of roses and put them back afterwards. I was satisfied albeit the cost to me was a bit high. Then came the catch. The £500 was VAT free. AH! but that was CASH. Too late to turn back now. So a bank transfer was made for £600.

So at the end of the day. My roses had more light. Job done. Today is my birthday 84. So I class it as a bit of a spending spree. Tip of the day. Be cautious.

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