I've been stung quite a few times, but most of the time it was an accident. Like the time I was pulling weeds I inadvertently grabbed a bumblebee and it stung me. I've been stung by wasps when I got too close to their nests, I have tons of them under my roof's eave. The only time I've been chased by a bee was when I got stung next to a bee hive when my father was checking for honey, once that happened they just kept coming after me, because of the excited state and the pheromone scent.
However, I've never been chased/stung by a bee in my garden, nor by a wasp and I have tons of wasps, because I have many plants that are hosts for caterpillars (not just milkweeds) and they are always in there hunting. Wasps are scary looking and when I first started gardening I did avoid them as much as possible (I was stung by wasps twice when I was very small, so I had a little bit of a phobia). Yet, when I started reading about them (and bees) I started forcing myself to not run and I've even got to the point where I will put my finger in their face and I've never been stung. I've also found out that if you go near a nest when they first start building them, they will get use to you, but I never have gotten the nerve to put my hand near them when they are tending to their nest
Although, a couple years ago I accidentally carried a wasp nest around my yard; it's kind of funny how it happened. I was relocating one of my bird feeders, which was hollowed out in the center and the wasps built a nest in that center. I always noticed a lot of wasps when I went near that feeder, but I thought the nest was in the low-hanging branch of my live oak tree; I looked, but could never find it. Until one day I decided to relocate the feeder, I notice that the wasps were following me, I was starting to get a little freaked out, but remained calm and tried to get further away from the branch which I thought the nest was located, but they stuck around, finally I just placed the feeder in a location just so I could get away from all the wasps. I later came back and noticed that they were still there, so I looked underneath and that's when I noticed that there must be a nest under there. I lifted the bottom of the feeder slowly and sure enough, a guard was looking straight at me. I eased it down and walked away
I did get up the nerve and come back for a pic, see below