When I see one flying around the garden, I won't come close. I feel like they'll chase me and try to sting. Are you guys a little fearful of bees? How do you handle it? Does it prevent you from checking the garden?
Yes, yes he was!! That last picture kind of creeps me out - it looks like the eyes are glowing yellow!!sure enough, a guard was looking straight at me.
This had me laughing out loud - first laugh of my morning, so thank you! I think it was nice of you to take them for a little tour of the yard!I notice that the wasps were following me, I was starting to get a little freaked out,
Just work around them, they really don't have time to mess with you!It takes about 556 worker bees to gather 1 pound of honey from about 2 million flowers. The average honey bee will make only 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime (6 weeks). http://www.apexbeecompany.com/honey-bee-facts/
When I see one flying around the garden, I won't come close. I feel like they'll chase me and try to sting. Are you guys a little fearful of bees? How do you handle it? Does it prevent you from checking the garden?
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