We have a small farm, and we keep chickens. We converted two stalls in the barn into inside coops with their feeders and waterers, roosts, and deep litter on the floor (grass clippings and leaves). The hens have access to their outside coop through a hatch door and can come and go during the day, but we shut the hatch at night when they are all inside. The outside coop is made of chicken wire and secured at the bottom with 4x4's. The top is covered with wire, also.
I clean the inside coop daily, make sure the feeder is topped off and their watering stations are full, and collect yummy eggs. Our ladies are getting older and laying fewer eggs, so we will add to our flock in the spring. I dearly love having our ladies--they are funny and rather affectionate if you happen to have a treat in your hand!
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