My Ficus Elastica was looking meh so I decided to prune it down to refresh and propagate it. Now, maybe a month later, the mother plant is doing OK, the existing leaves are still droopy, but there's new growth...
As for the cuttings, I used the method shown in this video :
So I had 7 leaves attached to at least 1in of stem. I put them in water and changed it every 2-3 days.
At first it was going great, but after some time, the tiny roots that had formed turned brown and stopped growing... now 3 of the 7 babies are dead. The leaf fell off and the stem died. I left the third stem in water to see if it would grow something as I see a tiny "leaf" poking out. The two other stems, whose leaves fell off, I put in soil and they died.
I even tried to cut two of the remaining leaves in half as I saw some YouTubers do so and wanted to see if it could help. Obviously not.
That said, I also kept one foot of the top part of the plant, left three leaves and stuck it of about 3inches in water. This one is doing awesome... has a lot of healthy roots growing and I'll be able to put it in soil in a couple weeks. Same water, same light, same everything as the leaf cuttings.
So what do you think I'm doing wrong, and how can I save the 4 I have left? Thanks in advance!!
Here are some pictures:
As for the cuttings, I used the method shown in this video :
At first it was going great, but after some time, the tiny roots that had formed turned brown and stopped growing... now 3 of the 7 babies are dead. The leaf fell off and the stem died. I left the third stem in water to see if it would grow something as I see a tiny "leaf" poking out. The two other stems, whose leaves fell off, I put in soil and they died.
I even tried to cut two of the remaining leaves in half as I saw some YouTubers do so and wanted to see if it could help. Obviously not.
That said, I also kept one foot of the top part of the plant, left three leaves and stuck it of about 3inches in water. This one is doing awesome... has a lot of healthy roots growing and I'll be able to put it in soil in a couple weeks. Same water, same light, same everything as the leaf cuttings.
So what do you think I'm doing wrong, and how can I save the 4 I have left? Thanks in advance!!
Here are some pictures: