I am growing 2 of each, a total of 16 Pepper Varieties, all but 3 of these in Pots. I am also growing 4 Cayenne Peppers in Pots. In my Garden I have Corn, Bush Beans, Raspberries, Strawberries, 4 Tomatilo plants, 2 Scotch Habernaro Plants an 2 Hatch Peppers. In the front is 4 Big Boy tomato Plants and 4 Roma Plants I have Red Onions and Green Onions, Leaf Lettuce and Radishes, this being the 2nd go round on those, with the 3 already planted. I still have Peppers in seed with pots to put them in. Yes I grow Herbs I grow Parsley, Coriander, Common Sage, and 2 other kinds of sage, Rosemary,Summer Savory and Basil.and Thyme.
I have a Food Dehydrator and a an Electric Smoker. as For recipes, the Only thing I do with the peppers, the Cayennes, I dry then crush, free Crushed Peppers. My Serrano Peppers get dried then turned to Dust and that along with some other spices is My Chili powder. My Jalapeño Peppers, some will be smoked, and some will be cored, stuffed with a sharp Cheddar Cheese, wrapped with Bacon then Smoked. All the rest of them get turned into a fermented Hot Sauce.