Hello, I'm wondering if anyone can help me at all with a problem I'm having. Its actually a field not a lawn but the info available for horse owners is virtually nil regarding grass mites and a bit of research shows me gardeners are likely to be a better source of info!
Every summer from maybe mid July- late September my fields seem to become infested with grass mites. This causes huge issues for the horses but especially a little elderly pony with a weak immune system.
I can treat them but every day the just re-infect unless they never go out which is unfair. It's also a very time consuming process every day which they don't really enjoy!
So, I have read that i could spray the fields with a soap and water solution. Please can anyone give me any more information on this?
Amounts of soap to water, kind of soap, how much to spray- A light misting or does it need to soak into the ground?
Also when and how often ?
I'm not sure if spraying now, before the appear may help with prevention or just be a waste of time, do they need to be present before spraying?
I'm kind of at my wits end with this and would really appreciate any help or advice anyone is able to give.
Thank you!
Every summer from maybe mid July- late September my fields seem to become infested with grass mites. This causes huge issues for the horses but especially a little elderly pony with a weak immune system.
I can treat them but every day the just re-infect unless they never go out which is unfair. It's also a very time consuming process every day which they don't really enjoy!
So, I have read that i could spray the fields with a soap and water solution. Please can anyone give me any more information on this?
Amounts of soap to water, kind of soap, how much to spray- A light misting or does it need to soak into the ground?
Also when and how often ?
I'm not sure if spraying now, before the appear may help with prevention or just be a waste of time, do they need to be present before spraying?
I'm kind of at my wits end with this and would really appreciate any help or advice anyone is able to give.
Thank you!