Drip Irrigation “Filter/Fertilizer Applicators”


Full Access Member
Mar 16, 2015
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USDA 10a - Sunset 22
United States
I use these “Filter/Fertilizer Applicators” on 4 of my drip systems, up until recently as just filters. They are extremely common and found in most stores that do real lawn and garden and on line. With mine they are all on ¼” tube systems to prevent the emitters – orifices from getting clogged. Never really had a clogging issue, it was always just what was suggested and what I did. I hadn’t ever given much thought to using them as a fertilizer applicator.


Fertilization with a low volume drip system is tough. You really cannot apply a typical topical or spread soil spread fertilizer as most of it will not come into contact with water (as the drip water has a very small soil surface foot print) so that it will be carried into the soil. Oh and there is not much rain here, so rain to get the fertilizer into the soil is not a possibility.

Last season my tomatoes did poorly, so I made a little drip system on a timer and as typical included a “Filter/Fertilizer Applicators”. About that time I became interesting in using it as a “fertilizer applicator” as I though the poor tomatoes performance was due to poor watering and fertilizing. So I search the internet and found 1 fertilizer suggested for these “Filter/Fertilizer Applicators”. Even though it was very expensive I got some. My tomatoes this year are fantastic, and I think in large part it’s due to the drip delivered fertilizer. The problem is these tablets are too expensive $12 - $15 a bag (for 30) and I use about 6 tabs every month. I 'd use more for things besides the tomatoes, but again the price.


I’m trying to figure out how I can use off the shelf fertilizer instead of the expensive tablets. With water soluble I think I have a usable dilution rate right. I just bought a 5# bag of Grow More 100% Water Soluble 20-20-20. The bag suggests the dilution rate at 4 Tablespoons per Gallon. So I’m thinking that based on my system… (there are 12 emitters) - (emitters are ½ gallon per hour) - (valve run time is 30 minutes).

So I’m thinking the water distributed is 3 gallons and so I should try 12 tablespoons (3/4 cup). This would be a 1 time application few couple weeks per label suggestion.

I have to say fertigation (yes it’s a real word; my wife did not believe me) is the way to go if possible.

So is anyone else using these “Filter/Fertilizer Applicators” as fertilizer applicator and if so what are you using and how are you doing it?
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Full Access Member
Jun 22, 2015
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Drip irrigation was introduced by a newspaper columnist named Mr. Sarian. He has a nursery farm in the nearby town that showcases new technology in gardening. We buy seedlings from his farm. In fact, our dragon fruit came from his stocks which is very good in terms of taste. As for the drip irrigation, my husband is planning to install one next summer. It has started to rain and we seldom irrigate the gardens anymore.


Full Access Member
Mar 26, 2013
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Port William
United Kingdom
I use these “Filter/Fertilizer Applicators” on 4 of my drip systems, up until recently as just filters. They are extremely common and found in most stores that do real lawn and garden and on line. With mine they are all on ¼” tube systems to prevent the emitters – orifices from getting clogged. Never really had a clogging issue, it was always just what was suggested and what I did. I hadn’t ever given much thought to using them as a fertilizer applicator.


Fertilization with a low volume drip system is tough. You really cannot apply a typical topical or spread soil spread fertilizer as most of it will not come into contact with water (as the drip water has a very small soil surface foot print) so that it will be carried into the soil. Oh and there is not much rain here, so rain to get the fertilizer into the soil is not a possibility.

Last season my tomatoes did poorly, so I made a little drip system on a timer and as typical included a “Filter/Fertilizer Applicators”. About that time I became interesting in using it as a “fertilizer applicator” as I though the poor tomatoes performance was due to poor watering and fertilizing. So I search the internet and found 1 fertilizer suggested for these “Filter/Fertilizer Applicators”. Even though it was very expensive I got some. My tomatoes this year are fantastic, and I think in large part it’s due to the drip delivered fertilizer. The problem is these tablets are too expensive $12 - $15 a bag (for 30) and I use about 6 tabs every month. I 'd use more for things besides the tomatoes, but again the price.


I’m trying to figure out how I can use off the shelf fertilizer instead of the expensive tablets. With water soluble I think I have a usable dilution rate right. I just bought a 5# bag of Grow More 100% Water Soluble 20-20-20. The bag suggests the dilution rate at 4 Tablespoons per Gallon. So I’m thinking that based on my system… (there are 12 emitters) - (emitters are ½ gallon per hour) - (valve run time is 30 minutes).

So I’m thinking the water distributed is 3 gallons and so I should try 12 tablespoons (3/4 cup). This would be a 1 time application few couple weeks per label suggestion.

I have to say fertigation (yes it’s a real word; my wife did not believe me) is the way to go if possible.

So is anyone else using these “Filter/Fertilizer Applicators” as fertilizer applicator and if so what are you using and how are you doing it?
These are not your friend.
The more of these that you use, the greater your requirement will become.
I use drip-fertigation; yesterday I put two old socks full of woodash, tied tight and strung on a line, into the water butt which is the reservoir for my gravity-fed greenhouse irrigation.


Full Access Member
Mar 16, 2015
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USDA 10a - Sunset 22
United States
Humm, not sure what you mean by "There are not your friend" and "The more of these that you use, the greater your requirement will be"? I do see how you've set up effective manual greenhouse irrigation. What I did do is purchase a real fertilizer injector system a few days a ago. Once I get it set up I will post.


Full Access Member
Mar 26, 2013
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Port William
United Kingdom
Humm, not sure what you mean by "There are not your friend" and "The more of these that you use, the greater your requirement will be"? I do see how you've set up effective manual greenhouse irrigation. What I did do is purchase a real fertilizer injector system a few days a ago. Once I get it set up I will post.
These petro-chemical fertilisers leave behind residues, mostly salts, which are deleterious to the soil, or other growing media.
They kill off the beneficial bacteria which help to make available the plant nutrients in the soil.
Soon there will be so few bacteria left in your soil that you have to raise the dosage of these chemicals, and eventually all soil life succumbs to them, meaning that only that which can immediately be taken up directly by plants gets through to them.
Not only do you have ever-increasing expense, but your soil becomes a toxic wasteland where nothing will grow without large doses of these petro-chemicals, because, effectively, you have to by-pass the soil.
There is a better way, friend.


Full Access Member
Mar 16, 2015
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Hardiness Zone
USDA 10a - Sunset 22
United States
I'm hoping to use an organic liquid fertilizer with the injector. That's what I use with my have held sprayer that I do the majority of my fertilizing with. This is the one I've been trying most recently. http://www.kellogggarden.com/products/kellogg/fertilizers/?s=fish-kelp-fertilizer

I was also give some samples from this place. http://foxfarmfertilizer.com/

On occasion have I or do I use petro-chemicals, yes but I limited the use with the goal of using none at all. It's a learning curve.

Try and follow IPM guidelines http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/ too.

I'm working on it (y)

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