I have a Lil Cado (Wertz) tree. I got it in April 2014 at about 4 feet tall. I planted it into a large pot. Right away and we got many flowers that turned into about 30 tiny avocados. Unfortunately, I decided to adjust the stick because the trunk of the tree was taped to it and I was afraid that it would inhibit growth. So I took all the tape off and the trunk just flopped over. It was so limp! I tied it back to the stick with twist ties, but all but one of the avocados fell off. That avocado is still growing and should be ready to be picked at the end of this month!
Here is the exciting part.... after purchasing the tree and planting it, a new shoot sprouted out of the seed. This shoot shot up fast! Today (Sept 2014), the new shoot is 6 feet tall whereas the original tree is still just 4 feet tall. Also, the leaves of the new shoot are about 3 times larger, the trunk is about 3 times thicker, and the trunk is solid (is not limp limp). It seems like I have two completely different trees growing from the same avocado seed. Very weird!
Here is my question.... once I pick the single avocado growing from the original tree, should I cut it off? It is still limp, the leaves are smaller, and the trunk is thinner. I wanted to snip that small tree and let the new large tree keep going. Is there any drawback to this? Should I keep the weak little tree? Do they need each other for pollination or anything like that? I would not think so because the original tree pollinated itself and grew avocados when the new tree was not there.
Thank you!
Here is the exciting part.... after purchasing the tree and planting it, a new shoot sprouted out of the seed. This shoot shot up fast! Today (Sept 2014), the new shoot is 6 feet tall whereas the original tree is still just 4 feet tall. Also, the leaves of the new shoot are about 3 times larger, the trunk is about 3 times thicker, and the trunk is solid (is not limp limp). It seems like I have two completely different trees growing from the same avocado seed. Very weird!
Here is my question.... once I pick the single avocado growing from the original tree, should I cut it off? It is still limp, the leaves are smaller, and the trunk is thinner. I wanted to snip that small tree and let the new large tree keep going. Is there any drawback to this? Should I keep the weak little tree? Do they need each other for pollination or anything like that? I would not think so because the original tree pollinated itself and grew avocados when the new tree was not there.
Thank you!