Hey! I feel like I may have asked this question some time ago, however situations have changed slightly and plant variances have changed. Long story short, I am setting up a planted vivarium for my gecko, but the room in which the enclosure will be located is not tremendously bright. I have a Finnex Planted + 24/7 light (http://www.finnex.net/index.php/plantedautomated/?___store=default) that features aquatic plant oriented LEDs. It gives out around somewhere around 30 PAR at a 22" distance in air, give or take. The light is 36" long, where as the tank will only be 18" long. To counter this, I was kind of thinking about getting a 36" long table, placing the tank in the center, and mounting the light an inch or so above the tank so that it would light the plants growing in the tank and something on each side of the tank (pictured in the rough drawing provided). My question is, would this planted aquarium light be able to grow plants such as pothos, wandering jew, orchids, etc. inside of the vivarium, and also be able to grow types of succulents outside of the tank on each side? Thanks for the help!