Apple Trees Dropping Leaves in July....again.

Jul 15, 2021
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Lovettsville, Virginia
United States
Hello from Northern Virginia, Loudoun County to be exact. I believe we are in USDA Zone 7A. I have two Jonathan apple trees that are about 25 years old. They are pretty healthy, but the last two years, they put out flowers normally, but last summer and now again in July, it is dropping leaves. We also have very few apples this year. Last year we had more. Don't apple trees put out apples every year? I seem to think ours did. Last summer when we had the July leaf drop, I thought the tree was dying, but it came back this year. Also an odd thing happened last October, after the leaves dropped in July 2020, we started to have "apple blossoms" coming out in the fall! Soon after first frost they died off. But this spring, the tree came back as normal as can be. Other than no apples this summer, the leaves are falling right now. Any ideas? I usually spray before bud out. I did notice that there are a number of small holes in the trunk. I thought maybe it was from woodpeckers, but a neighbor said it could be some sort of borer. And btw, his apple trees are dropping leaves in July too. Help!
Oct 8, 2017
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Birmingham, AL USA
Hardiness Zone
United States
I noticed my cherry tree dropping leaves today. I call it my insane cherry, because it is hot an sunny and we get plenty of moisture. But it still thinks snow is coming in August or September and I have not been able to convince it otherwise. Of course it is the first to come back in the late winter. It does not feel the seasons the way my hickory and oaks or maples do. I think your apples may also be like this cherry, they started as a very northerly plant and were brought south. I have a big magnolia that has its seasons reversed. It sheds all summer and thinks winter is great. I think it is important to know how they act relative to how to feed and treat them. It might impact the production. For example were you to boost growth too near the fruiting time.

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