Id like to grow an existing young grape vine on an arbor much like this one linked here: CLICK ME
The type of grape is a Gratitude Grape that i will train to grow on it. I have a few questions.
1. With an arbor like the one linked above, is one vine enough to cover the whole arbor, or should i have two? One planted on each side?
2. What is the best way to train the trunk up the arbor? Is it best to train it straight up? Weave it through?
Thanks for your help in advance?
The type of grape is a Gratitude Grape that i will train to grow on it. I have a few questions.
1. With an arbor like the one linked above, is one vine enough to cover the whole arbor, or should i have two? One planted on each side?
2. What is the best way to train the trunk up the arbor? Is it best to train it straight up? Weave it through?
Thanks for your help in advance?