Hi all I am growing potatoes in pots and have been adding a hand full of blood and bone to the soil in the bottom part of the pots, so the roots from the seed potatoes can directly feed from this.
The blood and bone has a low Phosphorus and Potassium level so I am thinking of adding phosphorus and Potassium fertiliser with the blood and blood to bring up the P K levels.
My Question is will adding Phosphorus and Potassium to the root zone of the potatoes burn the roots, Or am I better off adding the P&K on the top off the soil.
The blood and bone has a low Phosphorus and Potassium level so I am thinking of adding phosphorus and Potassium fertiliser with the blood and blood to bring up the P K levels.
My Question is will adding Phosphorus and Potassium to the root zone of the potatoes burn the roots, Or am I better off adding the P&K on the top off the soil.
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