Achimenes favorite Perennial pot plant

Dec 31, 2021
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Henry County GA
United States
Folks, my Maternal Grandmother shared about 6 plant with me in 1990 (I was 30 and I'm soon to be 62), she grew for a many years as I can remember back. Since I have multiplied and shared hundereds of rhizomes and plants from the original. Plants typically appear in early April and begin blooming a few week latter. It's not uncommon to still have plants blooming first frost (about mid Nov.) Plants are very easy to keep, prefer filtered lite with very little direct sunlight. During the growing season you need to water frequently, as the season progress if allow to get dry it starts the dormant cycle, in the fall they turn brown and go dormant(one needs to slow the watering) at which time I simply clip off about 1/2" tall and store the pots in my garage. Typically I water twice over the winter. In the spring when the days start to warm I water well and place outside. The plants multiply very rapidly and need to be thinned often which I do when they are about 1/2" tall by lifting the small bublets with a spoon handle that is also a keep sake. You can remove from soil before they emerge in the spring and replant. Proper spacing (at least 1" between the new plants make for better plants with many more blooms. If the plants are crowded they tend to go straight up and do not flower well so a sparsly planted pot is much better than crowded.
I would add that Grandmother always call these plants "Monkey Faces", I actually identified them and shared the true name with her. Ray
2019 Achimenes.JPG
Aug 10, 2021
Reaction score
United States
Magic Flowers (Achimenes spp. and hybrids) are very attractive plants in the African Violet Family (Gesneriaceae). They are native to Mexico, Central America, Colombia and Venezuela.

I'm not currently growing any Achimenes but your post may inspire me to get one. I do grow several Sinningia, which are another Gesneriad genus that can be propagated from rhizomes.
Jan 6, 2016
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Russia , Moscow
Hardiness Zone
6 b
Russian Federation
One of my favorite plants!
I love this old strain and grow this too. :love:

I have planted different hybrids in recent years. And they really multiply very quickly and fill the whole pot. You are right, it degrades the quality of flowering. Now I can see that some varieties have started germinating and I am getting ready to replant it. We have short daylight hours now, so the plant lamps help contain growth and make the plant more compact.

Then I will prune the Achimenes to get a thicker plant. And the pruned branches will give roots in the water.
This is a versatile plant for me. :)

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